Tellico 2.3.7 is available.
Tellico 2.3.6 Released
Tellico 2.3.6 is available. (more…)
Website Hacked
Recent visitors may have gotten a malware warning when visiting in the last couple of weeks. Evidently, the website was hacked similar to described here. I took it down to try to figure out what happened, and I appreciate the emails and forum posts from users letting me know.
Tellico 2.3.5 Released
Tellico 2.3.5 is available.
Tellico 2.3.4 Released
Tellico 2.3.4 is available. (more…)
Tellico Has Transitioned From Subversion to Git
Tellico has transitioned from using KDE’s SVN repository to the GIT repository. The KDE system admins have set up a very nice infrastructure for the new project management. Tellico’s project page is the top-level destination. The repository is available for browsing.
Tellico 2.3.3 Released
Tellico 2.3.3 is available. (more…)
That Pesky “New Entry” Dialog
I just came across an article that appeared in the June 2010 issue of Linux Journal. Entitled Economy Size Geek – Organizing a Library, the article includes reviews of Alexandria, GCstar, and Tellico, along with some online sites and full-blown library management software. (more…)
Tellico 2.3.2 Released
The Tellico development team, namely me, is happy to announce that version 2.3.2 is available from the download page.
Adding A Data Source
I’ve gotten a few emails and seen at least one forum post with questions about adding new data sources to Tellico. Here’s a quick step-by-step tutorial.